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Do you have genealogical information about any of these graduates that you would like to share? Do you have contact information for any of these folks? Please write to me at scott@monval.com.

Commencement Program of the

McKeesport High School

June Class, 1939

World War Memorial Field, Tuesday, June Sixth, 6:30 P.M.

Graduating Class of June 1939

***Highest Honor   **High Honor   *Honorable Mention
(CP)=College Preparatory   (GA)=General Academic   (SC)=Secretarial Commercial   (GC)=General Commercial   (IN)=Industrial
(PA1)=Perfect Attendance During High School Career   (PA2)=Perfect Attendance During Entire School Career

Scans of the actual Commencement Program are available. For more information, send email to scott@monval.com .

Abrams, Mollie B. (SC)
Adams, Catherine E. (GA)
Allen, Helen E. (SC)
Allen, Laura E. (CP)
Allison, Alberta E. (SC)
Allison, H. Roy (GA)
Alm, George A. (IN)
Anderson, T. Ridley (CP)
Andrekoitch, Elizabeth E. (SC)
Antoncic, George A. (GA)
Aranyos, John A. (CP)
Arico, Frank S. (IN)
Arokhaty, Margaret (GC)
*Austin, Shirley J. (SC)
Austin, Virginia P. (GA)
Babyak, Betty D. (GC)
*Babyak, George E. (IN)
Bach, Eva (GC)
Backstrom, Harry L. (SC)
Bacsi, Edward B. (CP)
*Baker, Louise H. (SC)
*Bales, Erma L. (GA)
Balint, Ernest L. (GA)
Banick, Ann P. (SC)
Bankey, Betty Jayne (CP)
*Bankey, Dolores M. (SC)
Barchie, Veronica M. (SC)
Barli, Charles J. (GA)
Barnes, E. LaRue (SC)
Barnett, Dean W. (IN)
Barr, John E. (IN)
Barr, Kenneth E. (CP)
Barth, Jack R. (IN)
Bartles, William H. (CP)
Barton, Clifton G. (GA)
*Bash, Violet M. (CP)
Bastasich, George T. (IN)
Bauman, Charles A. (IN)
Bauman, Doris E. (GC)
Beam, William L. (IN)
***Beck, Morris (CP)
Becker, Jack R. (CP)
Bedont, William R. (GC)
Beech, Frank M. (IN)
Belpuliti, Boris C. (SC)
*Benson, Jean M. (CP)
Benson, William J. (CP)
Beresford, Thomas A. (GA)
Berggren, Jean L. (CP)
**Bergman, Dorothy M. (CP) (PA1)
Bergstrom, Alf H. (IN)
Berkovitz, Bernard H. (CP)
Bertok, Daniel R. (IN)
*Bertoty, Victor E. (GA)
Betters, Thomas D. (IN)
Betz, Evelyn R. (SC)
*Billy, Eleanore A. (SC)
Bittinger, Roy K. (GA)
Black, William H. Jr. (IN)
Blomquist, Jean E. (CP)
Bloom, John F. (GA)
*Blum, Catherine G. (CP)
**Boccetti, Louis G. (IN)
Bocek, Sally L. (GC)
**Bock, Albert C. (IN)
Bogard, Ruth M. (SC)
Bohenko, Walter E. (CP)
Bookel, Irene J. (SC)
Boord, Sara L. (GC)
Bornyas, Irene (SC)
Boroxvitz, Edward T. (GA)
*Borrelli, Joseph (IN)
Boyd, Clyde (GA)
*Boyd, Nellie D. (CP) (PA1)
Branich, John C. (GA)
Broman, Glenn G. (GA)
*Brown, Arline B. (GC)
Brown, Helen F. (GA)
Brown, Pearl (SC)
Brown, Robert T. (GA)
Bruno, Rose V. (SC)
Buck, Mary A (CP)
Buckley, Alan J. (GA)
Budai, Violet M. (SC)
Bunda, Bill J. (GA)
**Burbridge, I. Ralph (CP)
Burke, Teresa A. (GA)
Burns, Edith C. (CP) (PA1)
Buti, Armida (CP)
Byard, Catherine B. (GC)
Byerly, Martha J. (GA)
Byerly, Violet H. (GA)
Cain, Alice M. (CP)
Callahan, Adeline R. (GC)
Campbell, Cathryn M. (GA)
Campbell, Charles E. Jr. (GA)
Cardwell, James (GA)
*Carlson, C. Theodore (SC)
Carnahan, Raymond G. (IN)
Carrozza, Falco A. (GA)
Case, Richard L. (GA)
Check, Alice M. (GC)
Chesnick, Florence M. (GA)
Chotiner, Louis (GA)
Chottiner, Lawrence (GC)
Christie, Charles A. (GA)
Churchman, Betty O. (GA)
Cidboy, Irma V. (GC)
Circosta, Albert (CP)
Clark, Eleanor D. (CP)
*Clark, Robert (GA)
Clay, Mary M. (GA)
Coberly, Gladys L. (GA)
Colecchi, Mike P. (IN)
Coma, Anna (GC)
Como, Gustachio A. (IN)
Conley, Jim H. (GA)
Connors, Bette L. (GC)
Considine, William J. (IN)
Cooper, James N. (CP)
Cosanella, Nancy J. (GA)
Costanso, Josephine M. (SC)
**Cowan, Ruth E. (GA)
Craven, Earl D. (GA)
Crawford, Edward F. (GC)
Crossman, Georgia Mae (SC)
Cunningham, Ella C. (GA)
Cunningham, George H. (CP)
Cunningham, Helen C. (CP)
*Dahlin, Betty L. (CP)
Dashofy, William A. (GC)
Davis, Albert J. (IN)
Davis, Pauline A. (CP)
*Day, Regina K. (CP) (PA1)
DeCecco, Donald (GA)
Decker, Isabel T. (CP)
DeFalco, Mary Louise (CP)
DeFelice, Ralph T. (IN)
DelSignore, Bambina (GA)
*DelSignore, Ernest (CP)
Denardo, Dominic (GA)
*Denning, Conrad (CP)
***DePodesta, Elsie J. (SC)
Derry, Nancy R. (GC)
*Desack, Louis J. (IN)
Devic, Dorothy (SC)
*Diamond, Richard C. (GC)
Dietrich, Dorothy A. (CP)
DiMucci, Constance M. (GC)
Dobo, Eva (CP)
Doctorik, Elinor F. (GA)
Dohanic, Pete Jr. (GA)
Domingo, Annette R. (SC)
*Donaldson, George W. Jr. (GA)
Donaldson, Margaret S. (GA)
Douglas, Leonard (CP)
Drakos, George A. (GA)
Dubsik, Henry J. (IN)
Dudley, James H. (GA)
Dumic, Catherine J. (GC)
Dunn, Gloria A. (GC)
*Dziemski, Walter F. (IN)
Dzombak, William C. (CP)
Eckersberg, Charles F. (GA)
Egic, Samuel (IN)
Ehler, Eleanor M. (GC)
*Eicher, Lois M. (CP)
**Eicker, Rita E. (SC)
*Ellenberger, Ferol E. (SC)
Elliott, Donald C. (GA)
*Engster, Charlotte H. (CP) (PA1)
Erdody, Clara R. (CP) (PA1)
Erickson, Robert E. (IN)
Esau, Adelaide M. (GC)
*Esau, Charlotte M. (SC)
Evanovich, Mildred M. (GA)
Evanovich, Nick (IN)
Evans, Jane A. (GA)
Evans, Reese (CP)
Faix, Earl F. (IN)
Falco, Emelia E. (GC)
Farley, Jack J. (CP)
Fath, Lois M. (GA)
Fawcett, Orpah L. (CP) (PA2)
Fawcett, Walter J. (IN)
Ferguson, Douglas E. (CP)
Fields, Betty J. (GA)
Figola, Geraldine S. (SC)
Fillipsie, Helen L. (SC)
Findley, Jack (GA)
Finley, June (GC)
Finney, George E. (IN)
Finney, Margaret E. (GA)
Finney, V. LaRene (GC)
Fitz, John L. (GA)
Fleckenstein, Regis J. (IN)
Flizanes, Della (SC)
Floodstrom, Robert A. (GC)
Forbes, Jack C. (GA)
Forsythe, Glen (IN)
Fortune, Dorothy B. (CP)
Foster, Erma J. (GC) (PA1)
Framiglio, John J. (IN)
Frank, Theodore M. (IN)
Frankos, George J. (IN)
Frankovic, Kathryn D. (GC)
Frankovich, George P. (GC)
Franks, Hilda G. (SC)
Frederick, Arnold F. (IN)
Frew, Marie P. (GA)
Frey, Edward W. (CP)
Frinsko, Frank (IN)
Funk, Marea N. (GA)
*Gacey, M. Lillian (SC)
*Galka, Mike J. (IN)
Gall, Robert L. (CP)
Gayok, Dorothy J. (GC)
George, Kenneth E. (IN)
Gerendash, Marvin B. (IN)
Gibala, Caroline B. (CP)
Gibb, David (GA)
Gibbons, Patricia L. (SC)
Gilchrist, Howard T. (CP)
Gillingham, A. Ross (IN)
*Gimant, A. Joan (SC)
Ginn, Vernon H. (GA)
Glarrow, Charles (CP)
Goldberg, Bette Jayne (CP)
Goscinsky, Stella M. (GC)
Gottesman, Albert (IN)
Grace, John W. (GC)
*Greene, Betty I. (SC)
Greenewald, Elsie M. (GA)
Gregor, Raymond J. (IN)
Gretter, Lillian L. (GC)
Gretz, Edward R. (IN)
Griffin, Frank D. (GA)
Griffin, Norma V. (GC)
Griffith, Clarence C. Jr. (CP)
Griffiths, Ruth M. (GA)
Gronlund, Elmer K. (IN)
**Grossman, Dorothe A. (CP)
Grubbs, Donald J. (CP) (PA1)
*Grzegorowicz, Jane (CP)
Gugala, Anthony T. (GA)
Guzik, Francis M. (GA)
Hall, A. Margaret (SC)
Hall, D. Glenn (CP)
Hall, LeRoy D. (CP) (PA1)
*Hall, R. Glenn (IN)
Hallett, Mary Louise (CP)
Halpern, Albert D. (GC)
Hamilton, Ray Jr. (IN)
Hamm, Raymond S. (GA)
Hammerstrom, Paul E. (GA)
*Hannum, June E. (GC)
Hansen, Doris M. (CP)
Harchut, Blair J. (GC)
Harden, Jack L. (GC)
Harris, Bernice G. (SC)
Harrison, Jean O. (SC)
Hartig, Frank P. (IN)
Hartigan, Mary E. (GA)
Hartland, Betty L. (SC) (PA1)
Hauser, Lucille A. (SC)
Havekotte, Lois Jean (CP)
Hawthorne, Betty J. (SC)
Haydie, Joseph (IN)
Hayward, Marjorie A. (CP)
Heath, Everett K. (IN)
Heath, Mervyn G. (CP)
Heatherington, Robert D. (GA)
Hebda, Ted F. (GC)
Heckman, William R. (GA)
Henry, William G. (GC)
Herhocik, Mary A. (SC)
Herrera, Ralph (GA)
*Hess, Harold K. (GA)
Higginbotham, Evelyn J. (GC)
*Hillstrom, Donald R. (CP)
Hilty, Betty J. (CP)
Hinkle, Mary Jane (CP)
Hoagland, John T. (GC)
Hobby, Gladys B. (GC)
Hoffman, Ella E. (SC)
Hoffmaster, Virginia M. (CP)
**Holland, Brice (CP)
Hollywood, Vera (SC)
*Holsing, Eileen M. (GC)
Holt, Lester E. (CP)
Holtzman, Mary C. (CP)
Hooper, Marjorie E. (GA)
Hopkins, Katherine F. (GC)
Hordis, L. Marion (CP)
Hornak, Anne (GC)
Hornak, Mary Jane (GC)
Horovitz, Rhoda (CP)
Horvath, Bill (GA)
*Hrabosky, Joe (IN)
Hreha, Margarette P. (GA)
Hresko, John M. (IN)
**Hromi, John D. (CP)
Hudson, Harry F. (IN)
Hughes, Mercedes A. (CP)
***Humenansky, Frances G. (SC)
Hunter, William O. (GA)
Huss, Edward J. (IN)
Hyduk, Dorothy J. (GA)
*Irvine, Bill T. (GC)
Irwin, John A. (CP)
Isacco, Julia J. (SC)
Ivkovic, Daniel P. (GC)
*Izbicki, Edward J. (IN)
Izzo, Clara E. (SC)
*Jackel, Joe G. (CP)
Jackson, Nellie M. (GC)
**Jacobs, Lillian H. (SC)
Jamison, Dorismae P. (CP)
Janos, Frank (IN)
Janus, Mary M. (GC)
Jarusinsky, Albert J. (CP)
Jerkins, Flora L. (GC)
*Johnson, Doris M. (CP) (PA1)
*Johnson, H. Louise (GA) (PA1)
Johnson, L. Warren (GA)
Johnson, Melba M. (SC)
Johnson, Ruth E. (SC)
Johnson, Vivian L. (CP)
*Johnston, Betty Mae (GC)
Johnston, Robert B. (IN)
Jones, Annabelle M. (GA)
Jones, Frank A. (GA)
Jones, R. Merle (IN)
Joseph, William T. (IN)
*Joshowitz, Minnie (SC)
Jourdan, William J. (GC)
Joy, Jack P. (GA)
Joyce, Mary E. (GA)
Judd, Merle (IN)
Julin, Donald D. (CP)
Kaminsky, Ned N. (GA)
Kanach, Steffi A. (SC)
Kania, Regina C. (GC)
Kanyusik, Steve (IN)
Karaffa, Andrew B. (GC)
Karber, Norma C. (CP)
Katz, Esther (SC)
Kavic, Adam (IN)
*Kavros, Reynea M. (SC)
*Kazmerski, Leona M. (SC)
Keaton, Evalyn J. (SC)
Keeney, Catherine L. (GC)
Kegler, Elda May (CP) (PA2)
Kelley, Edward R. (IN)
Kelley, Thomas J. (CP)
**Kemper, William G. (IN)
Kendrick, Mildred E. (CP)
Kennedy, William H. (IN)
Kerfoot, Glenn W. (IN)
Kerfoot, LaRue V. (SC)
Kerns, John B. (GC)
Kerr, Russell (CP)
Kertis, Magdeline (GC)
Kessel, Louise E. (CP)
Kessler, Lawrence J. (GA)
Kimball, Norma D. (GA)
King, Clarence M. (CP)
King, Mary Ellen (GA)
King, Robert E. (CP)
Kingan, Roy S. (GA)
Kiser, Robert E. (IN)
Klein, Jean A. (SC)
Knapton, Ross C. (GA)
Kniepkamp, Jean I. (GC)
Knight, Harry (CP)
Knight, Lucille G. (CP)
Knortz, William P. (CP)
Kocis, Elizabeth M. (CP) (PA1)
*Kokayko, Margaret (CP)
Koltiska, Joseph A. (IN)
Komaromy, Paul (GA)
Kontz, Helen M. (GC)
Kos, Joseph M. (IN)
Koucouthakis, Gust (GA)
Kovacevic, Michael (IN)
Kozak, James E. (GA)
Kozar, Eleanor A. (GC)
*Kramer, Faith M. (GA)
*Krause, Evelyn R. (SC)
Kritikos, William W. (GA)
Krupa, Henry E. (GC)
Kruper, William G. (CP)
Kula, Irene L. (GC)
Kurkowski, Genevieve R. (CP)
Kushner, Dorothy H. (SC)
*Kushner, Virginia M. (CP)
**Kyslinger, Emillie A. (GC) (PA1)
Lacey, Bertha W. (CP)
*Lacey, Ruth E. (CP) (PA1)
Lambert, Ann M. (SC)
Landkrohn, George (CP)
Landstrom, Eleanor G. (GC)
Lange, William C. (GA)
Lantz, Dorothy E. (GA)
Larish, Charles N. (GA)
Larson, Alice M. (SC)
Larson, Bette Jane (GC)
Larson, Scott W. (GA)
Larson, William L. (IN)
Lasica, Mary A. (SC) (PA1)
Laszloffy, Margaret (CP) (PA1)
Laughlin, John W. (GA)
Leach, William (IN)
Leaghty, Charles C. (IN)
Leaghty, Roy W. (IN)
Leckemby, William R. (IN)
Leffard, Donald H. Jr. (GA)
Leibold, Margaret (GC)
Lemack, Mary (GC)
Lemon, Alleda B. (CP)
Leonard, Tom (GC)
Lepsch, Galen E. (GA)
Lesnansky, Theresia (SC) 1
Lewis, Catherine F. (GC)
Lewis, Florence M. (SC) (PA2)
Lewis, Jack W. (CP)
*Lewis, Jane W. (CP)
Liberkowski, Matthew A. (GA)
Lickert, William E. (GA)
Lind, Anne E. (SC)
Livingston, Margie M. (GC)
Lott, George (CP)
Lotz, Dorothy G. (GA)
Lovell, Margaret M. (GA)
Lucza, Anna (SC)
Ludwig, Lois K. (GA)
Lukas, John A. (IN)
Luketic, Rose M. (GC)
Lupari, Hildo A. (IN)
*Lynn, Ethel (SC)
Lyons, William M. (GA)
Lysell, Harry K. (IN)
Macfarlane, Harriet C. (GA)
Mackey, Paul V. (GA)
Magaw, Mary M. (CP)
Magnuson, Carl V. (IN)
Mandel, Nathan (GC)
Mann, Delores (SC)
Mann, Helen J. (GC)
Marcase, Irene M. (SC)
Margitan, Helen C. (SC) (PA1)
Marshall, Stephan F. (IN)
Martin, Edward W. (SC)
Martin, Vincent R. (IN)
Martin, William (IN)
Martinelli, Agnes (SC)
Marton, Richard J. (CP)
Martynuk, Tulle (GA)
*Mason, Louise R. (CP)
Massery, Delores M. (SC)
*Massung, Dorothy L. (SC)
Massung, Raymond F. (IN)
Masters, Ruth G. (CP)
Matelan, Raymond F. (IN)
Matheny, Betty-Le (GA)
Mathieu, Irene (CP)
Mathis, Edwin H. (GA)
**Matta, Dorothy L. (SC)
Maurer, Evan B. (CP)
**Maydew, Martha J. (CP) (PA2)
Mayher, Steven B. (GC)
*Mazzone, Rose (CP)
McAtee, Charles O. (CP)
McCabe, Mary M. (SC)
McCahill, Marie I. (SC)
McCarthy, Edward A. (IN)
McCaughan, Robert W. (CP)
McCune, Frank W. (CP)
*McDivett, Robert J. (IN)
McFadden, R. Lee Jr. (CP)
*McGettigan, Mary C. (CP)
McGirr, Mildred M. (GC)
McGrew, Walter P. (GC)
McGuire, Ruthye L. (SC)
McKenna, Paul J. (CP)
*McKinney, L. Jean (CP)
McLaughlin, Helen M. (GC)
McMannis, Mildred G. (GA)
McNally, John P. (GA)
McNew, T. Jack (GA)
*McNuIty, Betty L. (SC)
Melegari, Debs R. (GA)
Mellinger, Ruth E. (GA)
*Menozzi, Bruno (IN)
Meredith, J. Jeannette (GA)
**Merry, Frances E. (GA)
Metz, Betty Mae (GC)
Michael, Carl A. (GA)
Mihalevic, Helen M. (SC)
**Miller, A. Geralda (CP)
Miller, Bette L. (GA)
Miller, Clyde E. (IN)
Miller, John E. (CP)
*Miller, Margaret E. (CP)
Miller, Walter H. (CP)
Mohiman, Ella M. (GA)
Mols, Catherine P. (GA)
Mols, Henry P. (IN)
*Monaghan, Mary M. (GA)
Monahan, Daniel J. (GC)
**Moore, Regis F. (IN)
Moore, Walter L. Jr. (GA)
Morre, John B. (IN)
Morrison, John L. (GA)
*Morsey, Rita E. (GA)
Morus, Charles J. (IN)
Mossburg, Clifford H. (GA)
Motz, Fred J. (CP)
Mrvos, Margaret (GC)
Mull, Carl R. Jr. (GA)
Mullaly, Raymond T. (IN)
*Muretisch, William M. (IN)
Murphy, John J. (SC)
Murrer, Walter W. (CP)
*Muse, Eunice D. (SC)
*Myers, A. Leota (SC)
Myers, Robert J. (SC)
Nagey, Ethel L. (GC)
Naysmith, Pearl M. (SC)
*Nelson, Carl V. (CP)
Nelson, Eloise A. (CP)
Nelson, Howard W. (CP)
Nelson, Lois M. (GC)
Nelson, Margaret L. (CP)
Nemecek, John M. (GA)
*Nesteruk, John P. (IN)
Nestor, Andrew (IN)
Nickelson, Georgia H. (CP)
Norton, Mary E. (GC)
Novack, Marie C. (CP)
Nyilas, Billy (IN)
Nyquist, Harry W. (SC)
Nystrom, Emil L. (GC)
O’Hara, John L. (GA)
Oberfeitinger, Howard C. (CP) (PA1)
Odenthal, Howard W. (GA)
Olayos, Andrew J. (GA)
Olinsky, Chester A. (IN)
Olinsky, Eugene V. (IN)
Opalko, Annette R. (GC)
Ornowski, Anastasia J. (SC)
*Oskin, Zoe E. (CP)
**Ottinger, Harry Jr. (CP)
Otto, Marie L. (GC)
Overholt, Jane P. (CP)
Owens, Alberta N. (GA)
Pack, Elizabeth B. (GA)
Paladi, Gaber (IN)
Palian, Aurelia A. (GC)
Palko, Joe E. (IN)
Palm, Ruth V. (GA)
Panek, Valeria J. (GC)
Paraham, James A. (GA)
*Parucha, Florence L. (GA)
*Passaro, Evalyn L. (CP)
Patch, Viola D. (GC)
Pater, Carl T. (IN)
Pater, Caroline L. (GC)
Pater, Eleanore F. (SC)
*Patrick, Irene E. (GA)
*Patterson, Cora B. (CP)
Patterson, D. Clair (GA)
*Patterson, Janet A. (GC)
*Pearson, Daisy Jean (SC)
Pearson, Fred (IN)
Peck, J. Loren (GA)
Peers, Alfred W. (GA)
Penzak, Isabel A. (GC)
*Perviznik, Mary Ann (SC)
Petach, Ethel E. (CP)
Petach, Olga (CP)
Peterson, James R. (GA)
Petrick, Elinor R. (SC)
Petro, Helen B. (GA)
Petrosky, Della F. (CP)
Phillips, Richard T. (GA)
Piechowicz, Stanley A. (CP)
*Plesniak, Tom P. (IN)
Ploszay, Charles A. (CP)
Plutko, Albert J. (IN) (PA1)
*Pochask, John S. (IN)
Pohlod, Vivian A. (CP) (PA1)
Poko, George (GC)
Polakovic, John M. (IN)
Pomycala, Sophia P. (SC)
Popernick, Ruth M. (CP)
Poynor, Mae R. (GC)
Pratt, Dorothy M. (CP)
Prezel, Dorothy E. (GC)
Priester, Eleanor M. (SC) (PA1)
Proc, Anne (GC)
Pry, Lois E. (GC)
Pugh, Patricia C. (CP)
Purkey, Lucille I. (GA)
*Pusi, Nick (IN)
Qualters, Alice M. (GC)
Quantz, James L. (GA)
Queen, Elmer R. (IN)
Radinovic, Anna C. (GC)
Radinovic, Mary J. (GA)
*Raible, Lois M. (SC)
Raible, Roy T. (IN)
Rainford, Theresa (GA)
Randolph, Garnett B. (CP)
*Ranzier, Edith (SC) (PA1)
*Rascher, Ann M. (SC)
Rauzan, Charles A. (CP)
Raymer, Glenn E. (IN)
Razny, Regina K. (SC)
Reader, George R. (IN)
Rebold, Kathryn M. (GA)
Rees, Robert L. (GA)
*Reid, William D. Jr. (GA)
*Reilly, William P. (GA)
Reitler, Eleanor M. (CP) (PA1)
*Remas, Florence G. (SC)
Resnak, Steven A. (IN)
Rhoades, Jack D. (IN)
Rhodes, William D. (IN)
Riazzi, Annie D. (SC)
Rice, Jack L. (IN)
Richards, David R. (GA)
Riggs, Robert F. (IN) (PA2)
Rob, Irma G. (GC)
Robb, Betty M. (GC)
*Roberts, Melzine L. (SC)
Robertson, Russell (CP)
Robinson, Bill R. (CP)
Robinson, Robert B. (GA)
**Roderick, Doris M. (CP)
Rogerson, Kaye J. (CP)
Romick, Charles R. (IN)
Rorabaugh, Betty J. (GC)
Rosnick, Jessie M. (CP)
Ross, Gharles W. (GA)
Rubizzi, Jennings G. (GC)
*Rucki, Alfonso B. (CP)
Ruffing, Anna M. (SC)
Rupcic, Catherine E. (SC) (PA1)
*Russell, Marian A. (GA)
Sakas, V. Erma (GC)
*Salaka, Blanche M. (GC)
Scappetura, Natale J. (IN)
Schlessinger, Margaret M. (GA)
Schmeltzer, Margaret V. (CP)
Schmidt, Robert A. (GA)
Schoeller, Elizabeth L. (SC)
Schoeller, Hazel M. (SC)
Schumann, Vera A. (SC)
**Schwartz, Ethel Z. (GA)
**Schwotzer, Wilbert H. (CP) (PA1)
Scott, James K. (GA)
Scott, John V. (GA)
Sedney, Edmund J. (CP) (PA1)
Sedney, Jean E. (CP) (PA1)
*Seinar, Betty M. (SC)
Selgo, V. John (GC)
*Selkowitz, Milton B. (CP)
Sellers, Jean E. (SC)
Semke, William C. (IN)
Serena, Eari F. (GA)
Shapiro, Al (CP)
Sharpe, Ward O. (GA)
Shaw, Dorothy M. (SC)
Shaw, Nell (CP)
Sheehan, John E. (IN)
Shidel, Joseph M. (GA)
Shinoski, Anne M. (SC)
*Sigmund, Anne B. (CP)
*Silan, Agnes V. (SC) (PA1)
Simco, Joseph E. (IN)
Simon, Joseph (IN)
Simpson, E. Elaine (SC)
Simurda, Paul R. (IN)
Sinichak, Michael G. (IN)
Sipos, Margaret (SC)
*Sirak, Michael (GC)
Siskind, Albert (IN)
Sivak, Ethel P. (GC)
*Sjoberg, Fern (SC)
Skalyo, Anna J. (CP)
Skiffington, Theresa M. (GC)
*Skursky, Catherine F. (GA)
Slaney, Frank W. (GA)
Sloane, Glenn E. (IN)
*Small, Ethel G. (GC)
Smith, Beatrice V. (CP)
Smith, Edward T. (IN)
Smith, George J. (GA)
Smith, Helen F. (CP)
Smith, Kathryn C. (GC)
Smith, Margaret I. (CP)
**Smith, Wilda Jean (GC)
Smochko, Charles (IN)
Smolak, Eugene (GA)
*Smolinsky, Olive A. (SC) (PA1)
Snedden, Jean W. (CP)
Snyder, Margaret J. (GA)
Sobel, Lilyan (SC)
Solan, Harry (IN)
**Solomon, Florence (SC)
Sotak, Mary Ann (GC)
Sowa, Anna (CP)
Sowa, Josephine M. (SC)
*Spearnack, Michael (IN)
*Spiegel, Rica (CP)
Sproul, Dorothy M. (SC)
*Srulson, Frieda (CP)
Stamatia, Georgia J. (GC)
Starmack, Joseph D. (IN)
Starr, Frances E. (CP)
Stearns, Elizabeth M. (GA)
Steele, C. William (GA)
Steelnack, William E. (GA) (PA2)
Stegman, Martha J. (GC)
Stein, William H. (GA)
Stepanik, John (IN)
*Stephan, Fred L. (IN)
*Stephanovic, Anna Mae (SC)
Stern, Florence (GA)
Sternquist, Shirley J. (GC)
Stewart, Margaret E. (GC)
Stipanovic, Anne (GC)
Stipkovits, Fred J. (IN)
*Stock, Louise E. (CP)
Stokan, Catherine J. (GC)
**Stoops, Grace A. (CP)
Stripsky, Andrew (IN)
Strom, G. Kenneth (GC)
Stull, Adah C. (GA) (PA2)
Suarez, Ray J. (IN)
**Suchant, Gretel (GA)
Suhajda, Peter A. (IN)
Sullivan, Jay J. (CP)
*Sullivan, William J. (CP) (PA1)
**Sundquist, Margaret (SC)
*Surgeon, Jeanne E. (CP)
Sutton, Kathryn E. (GC)
Sykes, Harold C. (IN)
**Szarzynski, James W. (IN) (PA1)
Tabish, Leonard R. (CP)
**Tanner, Audrey M. (SC)
Taylor, Edna M. (GA)
Taylor, Kathryn J. (CP)
Telesko, Julia A. (SC)
Tenenbaum, Dorothy (SC)
Thomas, Bess M. (SC)
Thomas, Howard S. (GA)
Thomas, Paul (GA)
Thomas, Rowine E. (GA)
Thompson, Betty M. (CP)
Thompson, Clarence (GA)
**Thompson, Jeane E. (CP)
Tirpak, John M. (IN)
Titzell, Doris Mae (SC)
Tokar, Anna (SC)
Tomko, Gertrude M. (GC)
Tomko, Irene (GC)
Tonks, Jennett M. (SC)
Torrance, Isabelle C. (SC)
Toth, G. William (CP)
*Toth, William J. (IN)
Totin, John (GA)
**Trent, Virginia E. (SC)
Tumara, Mary E. (GA)
Turcan, Joseph A. (IN)
*Turner, Thelma B. (SC)
Tyson, Doris (CP)
Uhrich, Dorothy E. (GA)
Ulakovic, John J. (GA)
Ullum, George F. (GC)
Ulmer, Betty A. (CP)
Ulrich, Arthur R. (CP)
Ulrich, Carolyn I. (SC)
Vadas, Irene A. (GA)
Valecko, Julia A. (GC) (PA1)
Valoon, Jeanne B. (GC)
VanHorn, Joe E. (CP)
Vanyo, George J. (CP)
Vavrek, Andrew A. (IN)
Verbanovic, Irene D. (GC)
*Veronick, William R. (IN)
Versellesi, Eva J. (CP)
Vickers, Eugene C. Jr. (CP)
Vignovic, Sam S. (GA)
Visoke, Ruth L. (SC) (PA1)
Vitsas, Louis G. (CP)
*Vorce, June K. (CP)
Vozar, Andrew H. (IN)
Vujnovich, Milan G. (SC)
Vul garakis, Victoria (SC)
Waligura, John (IN)
*Wallace, Mary (SC) (PA1)
Walsh, Mary Lou (GC)
Wampler, Marie A. (CP)
Wargovich, Andrew R. (GA)
Watson, Arthur F. (GA)
**Watters, Jule A. (CP)
Webb, Roy (IN)
Weddell, R. Larry (GA)
Wedel, Margaret B. (SC)
Weigle, Richard S. (CP)
Weinel, William E. (GA)
Weiskircher, Bernice V. (GC)
Weiskircher, Lila A. (SC)
Weiss, A. Milton (IN)
Weissert, Evelyn G. (SC)
Weitzner, Ida H. (SC)
Welch, George D. (GA)
Welty, Raymond (GA)
Wertz, Isabelle M. (CP)
West, Henry E. (GA)
*Wester, Oliver F. (GA)
Whitehead, Donald E. (CP)
Whiteman, Belva L. (SC)
Wigand, Doris M. (SC)
Wiles, Nora A. (GC)
Williams, Betty M. (SC)
Wilson, Dorothy J. (CP)
Wilson, Jack A. (CP)
Wilson, May (SC)
Winso, Betty J. (GA)
Wood, Marian G. (GA)
Woods, Henry T. (GA)
Wright, George B. Jr. (GA)
Wruszak, Sophie L. (SC)
Wunderley, Sarah P. (SC)
Wynn, John G. (CP)
Yablonsky, Anne (GC)
Yahn, Ethel M. (SC)
Yaksic, Nicholas (GA)
Yonek, Elsie S. (GC)
Young, George F. Jr. (CP)
Zegudovic, Annabelle M. (SC)

My step-grandfather was Alexander Stephen Meszar (SSN:194-05-7408, b. 3-24-16, d. 3-1976). His father's name was Stephen Meszar and his mother's name was Barbara S. Meszar. He was married to an Irene (maiden name?) Meszar (SSN: 172-07-2228, b. 1-10-16, d. 3-66), and after she died, he married Theresia Lesnansky Pierallini Meszar. (b. 7-26-21, d. 12-28-02) They were also members of St. Stephen's Church in McKeesport. I feel like all these people must be related, but I can't seem to figure out how they fit. If you have any ideas about how this all fits, I would love to hear from you. (Frog077606 at aol.com)
Name Birth Death Last Residence Last Benefit SSN Issued
THERESIA L PIERALLINI 26 Jul 1921 28 Dec 2002 (V) 32746 (Lake Mary, Seminole, FL) (none specified) 173-18-8723 Pennsylvania

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