Genealogy Index for surnames beginning with G

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Gallop, Lucinda (1750-1760-aft 1830)
Gardenier, Aeltie (-)
Gardenier, Jacomyntje Janse (EST 1657-JUL 1701)
Gardner, Alexander (1849-)
Gardner, Alexander (12 JAN 1822-21 MAR 1907)
Gardner, Alvarus (1843-)
Gardner, Benjamin (cir 1800-)
Gardner, Charles Lester (20 SEP 1841-2 JUL 1841)
Gardner, John B. (1851-)
Gardner, Myrtle (1869-)
Gardner, Phebe (19 DEC 1788-26 OCT 1867)
Gardner, Phebe A. (1854-)
Gardner, Polly P. (1848-)
Gardner, Wesley (1858-)
Gardner, Willis Wilbur (1846-)
Garner, Christopher (-)
Gartner, Jill (-)
Garzel, Greg (-)
Garzel, John (-)
Garzel, Randy (-)
Garzel, Terri (-)
Garzel, Victor (-)
Gastinois, Aubri Count of the (950-)
Gastinois, Geoffrey Count (925-987)
Gastinois, Geoffrey I, Count of (979-1000)
Gastinois, Geoffrey II Count of (1000-1 APR 1046)
Gelvins, Ms. (-)
George, Emma (-)
George, Francis J. (-)
George, Lydia (-)
George, Polly (cir 1800-)
George, Ruth Naomi (14 SEP 1897-8 APR 1999)
Gereardy, Mary (cir 1650-)
Gessner, Gregory (-)
Gessner, Nick (-)
Gessner, Robin (-)
Ghoemaghamy, Adam Stevenson (-)
Ghoemaghamy, Alexandria Jane (-)
Ghoemaghamy, Debra Kay (-)
Ghoemaghamy, Emma Faternek (-)
Ghoemaghamy, Jeff Scott (-)
Ghoemaghamy, Jessica Sam (-)
Ghoemaghamy, Nasser (-)
Ghoemaghamy, Nicholas Amiri (-)
Ghoemaghamy, Sandra Chris (-)
Ghoemaghamy, Tracey (nee?) (-)
Giannone, Joe (-)
Gibbons, Ellen (-)
Gibbs, Almira M. "Alma" (1853-1918)
Gibbs, Edwin A. (1868-)
Gibbs, Flora E. (1857-)
Gibbs, Frances H. (1871-1920)
Gibbs, Kathryn (-)
Gibbs, Lafayette (1859-)
Gibbs, Samuel M. (1819-1889)
Gibbs, Sheldon (1845-3 MAR 1862)
Gibbs, Susan (nee?) (1828-1911)
Gilberthorpe, George (abt 1526-)
Gilberthorpe, Margaret (1539-15 OCT 1585)
Giles, Jesse Huntsman (-)
Giles, Joseph Sinkler (-)
Gilkey, Mr. (-)
Gill, Albert G. (BET 1801 AND 1822-)
Gill, Amos (BET 1801 AND 1822-)
Gill, Amos (1765-13 NOV 1847)
Gill, Arnold (26 SEP 1791-)
Gill, Bates (1 FEB 1799-)
Gill, Betsey (ABT 1770-)
Gill, Charles (14 SEP 1801-abt 1840)
Gill, Daniel (11 JAN 1782-)
Gill, Daniel (25 SEP 1734-17 DEC 1793)
Gill, Daniel (abt 1706-)
Gill, Daniel A. (9 SEP 1796-7 MAR 1886)
Gill, Daniel O. (15 AUG 1837-)
Gill, Ellen (-)
Gill, Fannie O. S. (13 JAN 1894-)
Gill, Frank C. (-)
Gill, Frank D. (30 SEP 1873-)
Gill, Fred B. (2 APR 1881-)
Gill, George (-)
Gill, George R. (24 MAR 1793-)
Gill, Horace (-)
Gill, Jennie O. (-)
Gill, John Major (abt 25 FEB 1760-18 AUG 1812)
Gill, John (18 OCT 1786-)
Gill, John J. (24 FEB 1854-)
Gill, John R. (12 NOV 1816-)
Gill, Kate T. (22 DEC 1858-)
Gill, Marcy (30 JUN 1784-)
Gill, Marietta (-)
Gill, Martha (-)
Gill, Martha (BET 1801 AND 1822-)
Gill, Martha (ABT 1777-)
Gill, Martha T. (17 AUG 1891-)
Gill, Mary (BEF 1801-)
Gill, Mary (Polly) (OCT 1780-)
Gill, Mary E. (1 OCT 1889-)
Gill, Mary T. (13 JAN 1856-)
Gill, Nancy (BET 1801 AND 1822-)
Gill, Polly (14 MAR 1794-)
Gill, Polly (29 AUG 1792-31 DEC 1792)
Gill, Robert B. (9 AUG 1830-)
Gill, Sarah (-)
Gill, Sarah (2 AUG 1789-)
Gill, Sarah (BET 1801 AND 1822-)
Gill, Sarah (BET 1801 AND 1822-)
Gill, Whitford (ABT 1767-)
Glanville, William de (-)
Gleason, Esther A. (1852-)
Gleason, Moses (abt 1795-)
Gleason, Ruth (abt 1799-)
Gloucester, Lucy de (Abt 1140-DECEASED)
Glover, Charles Henry (1836-7 FEB 1915)
Glover, Charles Henry (-20 MAR 1926)
Glover, Mary (-)
Glunt, Azelia (29 DEC 1873-18 FEB 1964)
Gobbel, Mr. (-)
Godbold, Maria (20 AUG 1827-14 JUN 1893)
Goewey, Mr. (-)
Goff, David (-)
Goff, Jacob (22 NOV 1793-)
Goff, Maria (18 JUL 1789-)
Golden, Elizabeth (-)
Golobish, Heather (-)
Golobish, Rudy (-)
Golobish, Ryan (-)
Gonzalez, Anthony Kent (-)
Gonzalez, Brian Robert (-)
Gonzalez, Kent Paul (-)
Gonzalez, Nicholas (-)
Gonzalez, Paul B. (-)
Gonzalez, Susan (nee?) (-)
Goodman, Anna (-)
Goodsell, Eunice (abt 1755-)
Goodwin, Caroline L. (-)
Goodwin, Charles (-)
Goodwin, Gary Edward (-)
Goodwin, Harold David , II (-)
Goodwin, Harold David (-)
Goodwin, Jennifer Marie (-)
Goodwin, Lacey Dee (-)
Goodwin, Lance Edward (-)
Goodwin, Larry Edward , II (-)
Goodwin, Larry Edward (-)
Goodwin, Marie Lucille (-)
Goodwin, Nancy Ruth (-)
Goodwin, Pamela Maria (-)
Googens, Oscar (cir 1854-)
Gorgas, Gisela (8 FEB 1930-9 JAN 2002)
Gorsey, Rose (-)
Goss, Cheryl Ann (-)
Goss, Joe (-)
Goss, Signora (nee?) (-)
Gould, Adam (Abt 1651-Aft 1689)
Gould, Phoebe (abt 1760-)
Gould, Rachel (18 SEP 1720-20 MAY 1757)
Gould, Thomas (1689-1690-17 JUN 1746)
Graaet, Elizabeth (-)
Grabner, Jenny (-5 JUN 1997)
Gracy, Neli (-)
Grakowska, Katarzyna (-)
Granger, Amelia (-)
Granger, Jerusha (-)
Granger, Kate King (-)
Grant, Leona (-)
Granzow, Glen R. (7 JAN 1900-13 APR 1983)
Gray, Bruce (-)
Gray, Mr. (-)
Green, Augustus John (CAL 1838-)
Green, Daniel C. (1802-)
Green, Elizabeth (cir 1750-aft JAN 1808)
Green, Ella H. (15 FEB 1869-)
Green, Linda (-)
Greene, Amos (17 JAN 1717-13 MAY 1777)
Greene, Ann (-)
Greene, Benjamin (-)
Greene, Benjamin (-)
Greene, Benjamin (abt 1719-)
Greene, Benjamin (abt 1665-5 MAR 1720)
Greene, Caleb (-)
Greene, Caleb (-)
Greene, Caleb (-)
Greene, Caleb (-)
Greene, Catherine (-)
Greene, Charles (-)
Greene, Clark (-)
Greene, Clark (-)
Greene, Daniel (-)
Greene, Deborah (-)
Greene, Dinah (-)
Greene, Edward (-)
Greene, Elizabeth (-)
Greene, Eunice (-)
Greene, First husband of Anna (nee?) (-)
Greene, Henry (1696-21 FEB 1752/53)
Greene, Isahel (-)
Greene, James (-)
Greene, John (-)
Greene, John (-)
Greene, John (abt 1606-)
Greene, Jonathan (-)
Greene, Jonathan (30 APR 1749-30 JUN 1807)
Greene, Jonathan (-)
Greene, Jonathan (-)
Greene, Joseph (abt 1725-)
Greene, Joshua (-)
Greene, Joshua (abt 1734-)
Greene, Josiah (abt 1715-bef 1771)
Greene, Lois (-)
Greene, Lt. John White (abt 1688-29 MAR 1752)
Greene, Lydia (-)
Greene, Margaret (-)
Greene, Margaret (-)
Greene, Marieta (abt 1846-)
Greene, Mary (-)
Greene, Mary (BET 1712 AND 1715-bef 1752)
Greene, Mary (24 MAR 1766-3 FEB 1862)
Greene, Phebe (-)
Greene, Philip (abt 1712-1785)
Greene, Rebecca (-)
Greene, Richard (-)
Greene, Richard (-)
Greene, Robert (-)
Greene, Rosanna (-)
Greene, Ruth (-)
Greene, Samuel (-)
Greene, Samuel C. (-)
Greene, Sara (-)
Greene, Sarah (nee?) (-)
Greene, Simon (MAY 1769-OCT 1838)
Greene, Simon (-)
Greene, Thomas (abt 1710-)
Greene, William (abt 1732-)
Greenman, Electa (21 APR 1819-23 JAN 1859)
Greenman, Jesse M. (-)
Greenman, Margaret (-)
Greenman, Mary Ann (17 APR 1827-28 OCT 1908)
Greenwood, Jan Elaine (-)
Greenwood, Leonard (-)
Greenwood, Leonard (-)
Greenwood, Lynn Ardis (-)
Greenwood, Tracy Ann (-)
Greer, Wesley (-)
Greer-Keesee, Wiley Rufus (17 MAY 1909-NOV 1965)
Gregson, Henry (1583-aft 1611)
Gregson, Jane (nee?) (1615-4 JUN 1702)
Gregson, Thomas I (1516-abt 1563)
Gregson, Thomas (14 JUL 1611-JAN 1645)
Gregson, Thomas II (1545-18 DEC 1596)
Grier\Greer, Catherine (-)
Griffith, Charles (1862-1939)
Griffith, Isaac (-)
Grigson, Susan (bef 1646-8 SEP 1712)
Grimes, Amy (-)
Grimes, Dorothy (-)
Grimes, Leroy (-)
Grimes, Leroy G. (11 JUL 1902-12 NOV 1989)
Grimes, Robby (-)
Grimes, Robby (-)
Grimes, Sharon (nee?) (-)
Grinell, Herman (-)
Grisgonelle, Gerberga (-)
Grisnik, Mr. (-)
Grobleski, Daughter-1 (-)
Grobleski, Daughter-2 (-)
Grobleski, Mr. (-)
Grobleski, Victoria (29 JUL 1906-14 JAN 2001)
Guenther, Florence (-)
Guiscard, Constance Princess of Antioch of Antioch, Princess of Antioch (1127-1164)
Gull, Brandon Melvin (-)
Gull, Earl John (-)
Gull, Elijah Alexander (-)
Gull, Lacy Chante (-)
Gull, Melvin John (-)
Gull, Nicholas Corbin (-)
Gundry, Joseph Courtice (-)
Gunselm, Guncelin [Justice of Chester] Badlesmere (Abt 1244-1301)
Gurdon, Ann (1520-AUG 1563)
Gurdon, John (abt 1500-)
Gustin, Don (-)

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